Managed Technology Services – Overview

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, businesses face the daunting task of keeping pace with emerging trends, managing complex IT infrastructures, and safeguarding against cybersecurity threats. Direct Business Technologies offers a comprehensive suite of managed technology services tailored to meet these challenges. Our services span from robust end-user support and co-managed technology services to advanced cybersecurity training, managed backups, and sophisticated Microsoft 365 management. With our expertise in vulnerability and patch management, we ensure your IT environment is not only efficient but also secure and resilient against the threats of the digital age.

End User Support

Our Helpdesk service stands as the frontline of IT support, offering prompt and efficient resolution to your day-to-day technical challenges. With a team of experienced IT professionals, we provide round-the-clock support to ensure minimal downtime and optimal productivity for your end users. Whether it’s troubleshooting software issues, hardware malfunctions, or providing guidance on IT best practices, our helpdesk is dedicated to delivering exceptional service with a personal touch.



Infrastructure Management

Navigating the Backbone of Your IT Environment

In today’s digitally-driven business landscape, the robustness and efficiency of your IT infrastructure are not just operational requirements but strategic assets. At Direct Business Technologies, our Infrastructure Management services are meticulously designed to ensure the resilience, security, and performance of your core IT systems.

Server Management

Our Server Management services form the cornerstone of your IT infrastructure. We take charge of your server environment, ensuring high availability, optimal performance, and seamless scalability. From routine maintenance and monitoring to advanced configuration and troubleshooting, our team ensures your servers—whether on-premises, cloud-based, or hybrid—are always running at peak efficiency. We tailor our server solutions to meet your specific business needs, ensuring a robust foundation for your applications and data.

Firewall Management

As your first line of defense against external threats, firewalls are crucial for safeguarding your network. Our Firewall Management services encompass comprehensive setup, monitoring, and management of firewall infrastructures. We keep your network secure from intrusions and cyber threats, ensuring all security measures are up-to-date and configured according to best practices. Our proactive approach not only secures your network but also optimizes its performance, ensuring smooth and safe data flow.

Switching Solutions

The efficiency and reliability of your network depend significantly on the effectiveness of your switching infrastructure. We provide advanced Switching Solutions tailored to the unique demands of your business. From selecting the right hardware to configuring VLANs, QoS, and link aggregation, we ensure that your network is not only robust but also optimized for high-speed connectivity and minimal latency. Our team ensures seamless integration of your switching systems with the rest of your network, ensuring a smooth, uninterrupted flow of information.

Wireless Networking

Wireless networks are essential for modern business agility, but they also pose unique challenges in terms of coverage, security, and management. Our Wireless Networking services are designed to create a seamless, secure, and robust wireless infrastructure for your business. We handle everything from site surveys for optimal access point placement to implementing advanced security protocols. Our solutions provide your staff and clients with reliable and secure wireless connectivity, enhancing mobility and productivity without compromising security.

Your IT Infrastructure, Our Expertise

Entrust your IT infrastructure to Direct Business Technologies, where we blend cutting-edge technology with our deep industry expertise to deliver solutions that not only meet but exceed your expectations. Our Infrastructure Management services are your assurance of an IT backbone that is not just functional but a strategic enabler for your business growth.

Co-Managed Technology Services

Recognizing the Unique Needs of Diverse IT Environments

Our Co-Managed Technology Services are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing IT team. This collaborative approach allows us to augment your internal capabilities, providing additional expertise, resources, and support where needed. Whether it’s managing complex projects, addressing skill gaps, or handling routine IT tasks, our co-managed services ensure your IT operations run smoothly and efficiently.

End-User Training

In the fight against cyber threats, informed and vigilant end users are your first line of defense. Our End User Training programs focus on empowering your staff with the knowledge and skills to identify and avoid phishing attempts and other cybersecurity threats. Through interactive training sessions, including the renowned Ninjio cybersecurity training, we educate your employees on the latest tactics used by cybercriminals and instill best practices for digital safety.

Managed Backups

Data is the lifeblood of your business, and its protection is paramount. Our Managed Backup service provides a robust, secure, and scalable solution to safeguard your critical data. With regular backups and rigorous testing protocols, we ensure that your data is not only backed up but also readily recoverable in the event of data loss, corruption, or a cyber-attack.

Microsoft 365cloud

As a comprehensive suite of productivity tools, Microsoft 365 is integral to modern business operations. Our Microsoft 365 service encompasses complete management, from licensing to configuration and ongoing support. We optimize your Microsoft 365 environment to enhance productivity, ensure security, and leverage the full potential of its collaboration tools.


Vulnerability and Patch Management

In an ever-evolving threat landscape, proactive vulnerability and patch management is crucial for maintaining a secure IT environment. We offer comprehensive services to identify vulnerabilities, manage patches, and ensure your systems are up-to-date with the latest security measures. Our approach not only mitigates risks but also ensures compliance with industry standards, keeping your IT infrastructure robust and secure.